Last week of Blaugust already!?!

Lessons Learned week

So this is the last week of Blaugust and it’s a lessons learned week. Let’s see what lessons did I learn this week? Hm, that is an odd question for me because I don’t learn much of a lessons when blogging. I did learn that I can work on my blog, and record videos for my YouTube channel and not wear myself out doing both things, but I have proven to myself that I can do these things and have a ton of fun doing it. Even though some of my posts had literally taken a full day to write out but that is because I take breaks in between my typing. Plus it gives me some time to think of what else I want to say in these posts, and I do some minor research when I’m working on something. That is just how I am. Even with my allergy in my right eye it just seems to didn’t stop me from working on my blog and YouTube channel. My eye still isn’t a 100% and I’m still having trouble with the sunlight so that is something that is stopping me from continuous game play and I’m doing things to not put to much strain on it at the moment.

MacBook Air

You are never to old to learn something!

Never to old to learn new things

We are never to old to learn new things, and we’re never to old to be taught things we have always been interested in too. Take me for instance though I am now back at an online school for Art and I’m learning how to draw and design things using pastels, and charcoal now. Which is something I’ve been wanting to do for quite a while now. I still need to set up a special place here on my blog for my work. I do want to start to showcase it for people to see. Right now as it stands I have an B average, which isn’t to bad. I still would prefer an A, and I will work on it, but still a B isn’t too bad for someone who really couldn’t draw, or understand certain things with drawing. Now I am learning more and I am quite pleased with how well I am holding the information in, and my instructor is impressed with my work so far too. So I will be focusing more on that with the coming weeks, and will still blog and showcase my work.

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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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