Update: Plans for the Blog

I decided today that I would sit down and write up about the plans I have for this blog now over the “Hello World!” post I edited last night. Like I said in that post I will not be making multiple subdomains for all the games I play as I’ve decided now to just use this one since I have even finally just thought about it being nearly impossible for me to blog on all those others. I may make a special category for Second Life when I decide to talk about my second life profile or just use the main domain which is and always be set just for my second life store that I try to maintain online. I will be going through to create my categories so that when I am writing a blog post I can just click the category that each post will be going in.

Why the sudden change?

Well it seems since July of this year I started having more and more trouble with this domain, and finally after having my site listed for malicious code, and or spammy links, or even information stealer that I decided to contact my webhosting and we went through the steps to rule out a hacking, but sadly it was true my site was hacked, and we couldn’t remove all the coding so they suggested that they set my account back to being brand new and so I opted to do just that. They also suggested that I have them make a back up of my database and reinstall everything from there, and I just opted not to do that as I don’t know if maybe somehow they were able to hijack my php database as well. So after talking with Blade, and my webhosting we decided for me to get a plugin that can monitor everything and even block some things too. I do hope you’ll join me on this new venture so that I can improve on my blogging skills, and making decent content even for my YouTube Channel which I will be linking to the page again but right now I’m just working on getting this blog up and running again like I did in the past. So please enjoy the new shorter URL, and watch for the content that I will be putting on this blog in the future.

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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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