Motivation is key to everything

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Believe in yourself

No matter what you are doing, just believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself you can achieve anything. There will be days when you feel like you’re not doing enough, or getting your point across in your posts, but believe it or not. If no one comments, doesn’t mean they aren’t reading your posts. Could be a possible reasons on why they don’t. I don’t get to hung up on those things or even the analytics.  Celebrate any small thing that makes you feel great to yourself. Like my YouTube for the moment. I’m trying to hit 100 subscribers, as of today I’m up to 92 subscribers. I am 8 subscribers away to achieve the small goal I have set for myself for the end of the year. So each time I see a new subscriber I celebrate it in my own way. It’s just something I’m working on. Since October of last year I started uploading videos at first 3 days a week, then 5 days a week, now I’m uploading 7 days a week. No matter what I am feeling I always try to have some sort of video out for my channel. Same with my blogging for this month. No matter how I am feeling I am making sure I have content to go out.

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Always find ways to keep yourself motivated

Never compare yourself to the others that are doing the same thing you are doing. Reason being is you may feel a bit jaded if your content isn’t getting noticed like the others. So it’s just best not to compare yourself to others on anything you do. Keep thinking positive and remember to always focus forward and never really look back on the things you are doing. I’m not saying don’t look back at all, because sometimes you’ll have that one post, one video, one whatever that you feel you can make better, and at least try to do that. Surround yourself in a community that supports one another and supports whatever content you are putting out there. Join me again later on as I find even more ways to help keep your positivity and motivation going. At least I’m hoping I help in some form or another. Enjoy.

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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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