More about Mods, and Modders #Blaugust2024

In today’s post I will be talking about other games I have modded and they are my American Truck Simulator (ATS) and Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2). The reason I decided to talk about mods and modders this week is because I don’t see a lot of people talking about the quality of life some of these mods bring to any kind of game we play. I understand with MMOs that it is not always feasible but yet some games like Warcraft allows you to have addons which do give a lot of quality of life improvements to the game. Which it seems to me that a lot of developers don’t care to much about it or they see it as an inconvenience to them to even implement them into the game because they don’t view it as a QoL improvement on their end. So they intentionally or unintentionally leave it to the modders to figure it out and how they are able to implement it into the game, and later on take that mod and rewrite the code for it, and make that modder’s mod irrelevant in the end. I’ve seen it done in various games, and it sucks.

I know mods do help make a game more enjoyable whether it be from graphical improvements to over all game play improvements. Like with ATS and ETS2 their mods are not just for graphical, or gameplay, but also better handling on the road, improved mirrors, better GPS , and etc. There are tons and I mean tons of mods for both games that I can’t give a whole list of ones I think deserve a lot of recognition. If you ever wonder what good mods are , well just take a look at the Steam Workshop for both ATS and ETS2.

ATS Steam Workshop

ETS2 Steam Workshop

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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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