Modders are Creators Right?

black metal fence near building during daytime

The town was empty at sunset. Something bad was brewing behind closed doors

Modders are creators right?

Todays post I’ll be talking about modders that create a new area of content, whether it be for games like Minecraft, Stardew Valley, The Sims4, and of course one game that I play a lot more lately is 7 Days to die, and I will be talking the modders that have given me some more options to play 7 days to die other than vanilla. I do play a modded vanilla in 7 days to die, and I will list the mods that I use for my vanilla game. I even play some of the overhauls that I’ve watched on YouTube. Some of the YouTubers I watch have made some simple mods that I liked and put them in my version of the game. There are mods just for about every game anymore. Most of mine that I use are from the forums, or websites that I have come to trust. Then there is Curse Forge that I use from Overwolf for the games like Stardew Valley, and The SIMS 4. Plus with Overwolf I also have the addons for Warcraft as well. I know a lot people use them for their addons. I believe modders are considered creators, and I will tell you of some of my favorite modders and they create.

Overhaul Creators for 7 Days to Die

First up is well a man that I find his sense of humor as brutally honest as one might expect. His online presence makes him unique to say the least. He’s a British guy who pulls no pussy footing around when it comes to comments. While some find him rude, and crude, I find him hilarious. His name is Khaine, and he’s the creator and disturbed SOB of Darkness Falls one of the most popular overhaul mods for 7 days to die. On the one website I use for mods, here is his tag webpage. Reason I am writing about him first is because well I support him by spreading word on his YouTube content, his Mods, overhauls and etc.

District Zero Overhaul

Next mod I will be talking about is District Zero overhaul mod. I had the pleasure of playing this mod right before Alpha 21 was dropped on us, and it’s a fun little mod to play. I haven’t really heard about this creator in the past until recently when I ran across this mod from another mod content creator that is supporting him until his overhaul mod is up and running for Alpha 21. From what I heard from numerous modders who create these overhaul mods that most of them won’t be ready until September and October. Which is fine by me because I can wait. Even though I’ve seen a lot of people who love these type of overhauls, are bitching because they want these overhauls out as soon as A21 was released, but that is not how it works and I wish people would understand that, but people think that these creators don’t have a life, and etc. From what I’ve played of District Zero it really is a unique overhaul mod because it does not have any zombies. Instead we’re fighting androids, and it really is different. I may have to go and try start a series for it and still do my vanilla series. Listed below are some of the mods I am currently using in my vanilla modded series. Tomorrow I’ll talk about even more with the creators of the other overhauls.

Can you survive the 7 days?

Mods I use in 7 Days to Die

Khaine’s Modlets:
3 Slot Forge
12 Craft Que
15 Slot Toolbelt
96 Bigger Backpack
Always Open Trader
Food and Water Bars
HP Bars on the Zombies
Lockable Inventory Slots
Pick up Plants
Spawns and Claims.
Remove POI Names
Zombie Reach Adjust
Wandering Horde
Other Mods:
GNS Beautiful Bases:
GNS Weather Tweak:
GNS 2×2 Dew Collector:
SStacks Tweaks:
Posters & Calendars (Genosis):
No Dew Heat:
Wy3rd Not a slow learner:

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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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