Do I really need a plan?

Do you really need a plan?

Goals and updates

Many people that start on these journeys with either blogging and or becoming a streamer, or someone that goes over and posts videos on YouTube. To be honest when I started going back to YouTube in 2022, I did a lot of thinking and at first it was to begin my road too 100 subs to get a custom channel name, and well they did away with that. Then I was going to start on the road to a 1,000 subscribers to maybe get into the partner program and start earning money, but then I decided I just wanted to keep this as a hobby and not stress myself out at all. So once I went into that mindset I opted to not worry about anything other than having it someone copyright strike my videos. Not only that I finally got myself in a good place at the moment. I just decided to never monetize anything. Whether it be this blog, my other blog Insanity Asylum, and of course my YouTube channel. It’s not that maybe in the far future I won’t want too, it’s just right now I don’t feel the need.

iphone screen showing icons on screen

It’s sometimes overwhelming

Self Promotion

While I was looking at my business page over on Facebook, I saw that I had messages over from Instagram as well so I replied to one of them. I decided to look at their profile and seen that they promote other YouTube creators, streamers, etc. I decided that it wasn’t for me that I had planned on staying in just a hobby mode and doing my own promotions for my YouTube channel, and blogs. It’s just who I am, and some of these people also want payment, and let’s face it. I’m not in the area of making an income off anything I do. I do my own self promotion on the videos I upload to YouTube. My blog does have auto send to my discord channel, X formerly known as Twitter, my gaming page over on Facebook, and Instagram, pinterest, even mastodon now. So I don’t understand the conversation I had from Instagram about what more do I want to do with my YouTube channel.  I’m happy with my channel slowly growing on it’s own. I also have people over on X following me that are graphic design artists that make banners, icons, emotes, etc. for streamers. I typically remove them right away as I won’t do that. I am currently working on a new logo design for myself with what I want. This was why I started doing an art class online so I could get a little better at drawing. So if anything, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not looking for paid promotions, or paid logos. I am doing this for a hobby, and just trying to show people that even though I have mental health issues, and I’m a natural born introvert that I can still be somewhat social while playing games.

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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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