What is a Creator?

Creator Appreciation Week

What is a Creator?

According to Dictionary.com a creator is someone or something that creates. Also called a content creator. A person who publishes original content online: The site makes it possible for all kinds of creators to make a viable income doing what they truly love and sharing it with their fans. I agree with this sentence in some senses as not all creators make a viable income on doing what they love to do. Whether it be blogging, or YouTube content creations, but all of us that either blog, record, even streamers are creators in our own sense. If you have ever wondered why you get called a creator, well it’s like this. If you have published even one post for a blog, uploaded one video to be watched on YouTube, even had 1 stream on Twitch or whatever platform you streamed on. You are in essence a content creator. There are so many content creators out there that it’s really hard to dedicate just one week to them because of the hard work they do. I am a firm believer in the last few years that we should all support one another no matter what. Even if we don’t like a few of their posts, or the content they create. They deserve to be recognized for their efforts and their hard work. Developers of the video games we play also deserve this as well too, because without them a lot of us who blog, record, and stream video games wouldn’t have content. Yeah over on twitch there is a lot of “Just chill and talk” streams, but I don’t pay attention to them. If you are into watching that is fine. I don’t find it very entertaining so I don’t pay much attention to that section of twitch.  I enjoy watching certain games, and certain streamers. I am the same with YouTube , I will watch certain games, and creators there as well.

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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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