Motivation and How I function? #Blaugust2024


It never hurts to fail | Photo found on Unsplash

How I function with motivation?

Truth be told I don’t always have the motivation to function. With mental illnesses it is sometimes hard to find the get up and go do things on some days, but I do force myself to get up and take care of things that need to be taken care of. Myself , Raven and Blade are my priorities. Blade pretty much takes care of himself, but I do manage our money. Raven needs to be taken care of by going to the Vets, having walks, being played with, fed, water, and just over all an abundance of love that I can give her. Then there is myself, since October of last year when I was diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic which started with just pills and wasn’t until May of this year that I was given a glucose meter and then eventually insulin which I take daily roughly around the same time each day. For the whole month of August each year I stay motivated by writing these posts daily. I stay motivated on my YouTube channel because I enjoy doing it, granted some of the games have been played days, weeks, even a month in advance so that I have content to publish daily. I’m not doing good mentally this week, but I will keep myself motivated because it is what I do. I take time for myself in the mornings and early afternoons, but rest of the time I stay focused on Raven and her needs because she is a special needs dog. She has separation anxiety herself. I have talked about this in the past I believe and it’s because of her that we had to rearrange our living style to suit her. I know many will never understand why I opted to switch my life up and around for her, but it’s because I didn’t want to rely on drugs for her. So I switched our life around to fit her needs. Not only does she help us but we also help her by spending a lot of time with her, giving her the love she rightly deserves, and making sure she’s safe all the time.

Do I have other ways to stay motivated?

Not really and that is because for me its all about feelings now and how I feel when I wake up. If I wake up wrecked mentally than I lack motivation to function properly, if I wake up with physical pain. Then that becomes a whole new level of motivation that I must muster to make it through the day. Having Raven with me helps a lot more then I ever could imagine. Her looks, and her love is what helps me make it through a day for motivation. So I suggest that if you have a furry baby look to them for motivation. They can spark a lot of motivation with their looks, their love, and their understanding. Raven has been told some of my deepest darkest secrets. Ones I will never reveal to another living being , but her love is what keeps me motivated to make it through another second , minute, hour, and day. She’s my motivation to push myself further than the day before. So if you think you don’t have it in you? Look at someone, something, and just try. It’s all you can ever do. If you fail, well then try again and keep trying until you find what motivates you.






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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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