Let’s have another chat #Blaugust2024

two coffee lattes in yellow cup with saucer on brown wooden table

Going through the past to achieve a better future | Photo found on Unsplash

It doesn’t make sense yet it does make sense

Walking down this path again in my life and sharing my past is something I do from time to time, and many probably don’t understand how I can keep a sane mind going through my motions like I do. I guess in some way by sharing the things I’ve went through is my motivation in letting others know that they do not have to stand alone in the darkness that we all sometimes get. I also chose the online persona “Shad0wz” for a reason. Without the light there can be no darkness, and without darkness there can be no light. In that light no matter how dim, a shadow will always be at your side or at your back, whatever you need. That is why I decided to become a shadow. I will sit there in total silence with you, and never judge you because it’s not me. Our journeys are similar yet they very different in the same sense. I guess you can say that is my way of helping to motivate you to take a stand, even if it is in total silence.  Physically I am scarred a lot, by a lot I mean just that. I live by a saying that I found online, on various t-shirts, and etc. ” My scars are a reminder of how life tried to break me down, but instead I came out the other side as a survivor.” As many have told me this past week, I gave them hope that they realize now they are not alone in their struggles with mental illness, abuse, and so forth. Do I consider myself strong? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I also do try to find the silver lining in what is called my life. I still try to look for good in others even though I can’t always see it. I do see a lot of ugly over beauty in life, but that is what life has taught me. I guess sharing my experiences helps motivate me the most because I want people to understand how abuse of any kind affects ones mental health in the long run, how we can support each other without words, support each other in anything we do.



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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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