It’s too hard……..
Trying to find a place to live is just so hard anymore. Blade makes $17.70 an hour and works 40+ hours a week, collects his paycheck weekly. I get two checks a month on SSI one is $481.00 and another for $482.00 a month, for a total of $963 a month is what I get to live on. Blade brings home roughly after taxes around a little over $550 a week. Yes in Pennsylvania taxes eat him up a lot. Because of our wonderful government decided to let the economy wipe us out totally. We moved into my mothers due to the fact that no one wanted to rent to us back then. Now they will rent to us, but the kicker is 4 times their asking rental prices. We can’t afford that. Public housing? Forget it that is a huge joke here, I could get in, but he wouldn’t be allowed to visit or even live with me because they don’t like his past. At one time Blade did deal drugs, so that part of his past even though he has not done that in roughly about 33 years ago he was kicked out of the public housing for his crime of being a dealer. Sadly our state and county government does nothing to help those of us that live below poverty levels. Plus around here they are asking for First, Last and Security deposit, not to mention a pet increase for Raven which Blade and I both said we’d pay. It’s just when they are literally asking for around $2,000 or more for all that it is impossible for him and I.
Not all is lost though….
We haven’t given up the hope of finding a place yet it is just so damn deflating when you try and try and get the door slammed in your face over and over again because they believe everyone can afford their inflated prices for rentals. As for trying to buy a house, cheapest house for sale that we could move into right away is over $75,000 and with a down payment of $6,500 because we’d be first time home buyers. So we’re basically screwed if we do, or if we don’t. We’ll find something though, Blade has promised me this since he now knows that this house, along with living my mother is nothing more than a series of triggers for my mental health no matter what. We’ll pull through, and make it. We always do, and always will because Blade is my rock in all this.
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