I apologize for yesterday’s post #Blaugust2024

ai generated, dog, puppy

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I am sorry

For yesterday’s post but it was something I needed to touch on, and explain on how things are for me at the moment. Typically I don’t post things like that anymore because I don’t want them to trigger anyone who has went through a similar situation or a totally different situation. I did feel the need to write that post though because I do advocate for more mental health awareness.  Plus I did want to share a song that came out over the weekend. While listening to it, I couldn’t help but want to share why I sometimes do the things I do. Explain some of what I’ve been diagnosed with over the last 40 years. If you or someone you know is in a crisis and need a place to go. Here is a website for International Suicide Hotlines for you to call. That post yesterday took me over 3 hours to write because I had to keep stopping since it kept bringing back a lot of memories which is another reason I don’t write about my past so much because it’s just so hard to deal with at times. I do try, and I do want to share my stories still with others to let them know they are not alone in this world when dealing with depression, and surviving abuse from people who are suppose to support, protect, and love you. This post is a short one because I am wiped out on the moment with mental health. So please forgive me for that, and for yesterdays post. It just needed to be said and shared with again.

Brown and White Short Coated Puppy

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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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