A Weekend of Recording

Over the weekend, or I should just say a one day recording marathon for the next week or two worth of videos. Most were again 7 days to die, I did some WoW, and some SWTOR again as I’m trying to mix it all up again during the week. I’m also working on a goal of achieving 100 subscribers on my Shadowz Abstract Gaming channel . This has become my goal for the end of the year. I do not plan on ever making money off my YouTube, but it would be nice to finally have a custom name. I originally had a custom name but when I merged it with another name and when I did that it was removed, even though you can still find it. I just don’t want to use it because it is not who I am anymore. I decided that with only two months left in this year, well I would set a goal for myself, and well truth be told I’m now up to 55 Subscribers. I don’t always talk over the videos because of living circumstances. When I try to explain this to my mother, it just falls off deaf ears. Literally deaf ears, she doesn’t understand any of this. The blogging, the video games, the recording etc. It’s all mumbo jumbo to her. At least with Blade it was something he was interesting in learning about, or watching me do it from time to time. He still watches the videos I send out for YouTube, and he’s happy with what I do and encourages me to keep at it. He does seem to get upset with my mother a lot because of how she treats him and I both. He knows me playing games is my escape, and creating blog posts, or recording videos is all an escape for me.

white and blue printer paper

With having to redo my entire domain and creating this subdomain again. I opted to buy a security plugin for WordPress to hide certain files for this subdomain, but now I am going to work on buying one for S.A. Designz main, and my Insanity Asylum domains as well. By the end of the year I’ll have all 3 protected for a grand total of $96.00 US which is fairly cheap over a lot of the other security plugins I’ve been researching. So I’m quite content with how I am doing things now. I do know that I am taking my domain, and blogs a little more serious now that I’ve been hacked. Yes I won’t be forgetting this for a long time. I still remember what I posted on my other blog about how I will not be doing anymore month long posts anymore. I am going to do what I do best, and that is post when I want to post, and whenever I want to post. I’m just doing this for a hobby now, and will work on improving my blog. My main goal now is to have fun doing both YouTube, and this blog from now on. I’m not going to stress myself out with either or.

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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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