A New Day, New Motivation #Blaugust2024

white spiral book with always text print

Something I try for | Photo found on Unsplash

Not sure if this will work for everyone, but it does for me

It’s something I’ve been doing since some days are worse than others, but that is the road I am on. If I am keeping myself motivated with the help of Raven, but I also find other ways to get myself motivated, and it’s with music. I listen to music that inspires me, that gets me thinking of how I want to change things, or do certain things I’m currently working on. I make small goals, or look at achievements that I want to grab. It’s not much of a motivation way because it may not work for you. It does work from me from time to time. There is also the fact that I place both feet on the floor each morning and try to say something that is both positive and motivational for myself. What I say? Who the hell knows because 4 minutes later I forget what I tell myself. Then I remember it about 3-5 hours later and laugh at myself about it because I’ve already started a new way to get myself motivated. I’ve always been a firm believer that if you can’t laugh at yourself, then you are doing something wrong that you can’t laugh at your little mistakes.

I use to think I had it all figured out when it came to motivating myself. Over the last few months it’s been quite the opposite for me. I seem to be lacking motivation on keeping this blog going half the time, do work on my other blogs, even playing video games. There are times I don’t know what I’m doing half the time but yet I keep and try to keep myself motivated so that I can do things to live a productive life. Like I said, if you’re looking for small ways to motivate yourself, just take it slow, and easy. Don’t force yourself to finish a list all in one day. Sometimes you just have to make it simple, and small so that you can find your way through. I’m not talking just about content creation, blogging, video games, I’m talking about lives, our mental health, anything that we’re struggling with. Find a way to balance it out. It’s not easy, but it can be done.



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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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