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Its a two fold kind of post

I’ve used this for almost a year now

A plug-in I highly recommend.

As many of you know by now a few years ago I was hacked on all my websites. I lost all my hard work I did from 2015, plus I lost all the content from my legacies in SWTOR blog as well. Even though I stopped posting on that blog, and moved all the posts to this blog. I’m not sure what had happened, but somewhere between 2020, and 2022 I started getting hacked continuously on my sites. Even my other domain was a target as well. Once my sites were blacklisted I contacted my hosting provider and had them reset my entire domain. Meaning I lost everything even though they said I could use one of my backups for it, but I didn’t because I didn’t know where the malicious code was, or if it was a plugin that got hacked. So I opted to start over with everything. Jetpack, and etc. I started talking with my web host and they suggested using Sucuri Security website to help with making sure I was safe.

Then welcoming Hide my WordPress Plug-in and for a few months I used the free version, then opted to buy the plug-in, and just the other day I was alerted to a better price for it. It was for a one time payment for a lifetime membership to it for a good price. $59.00US plus tax which made it roughly around $63.00 and it’s good for 10 websites so that is a huge bonus for me if I ever did decide to make other WordPress Blogs on my domains. I can have 7 more blogs , but I doubt I will be doing that again as I don’t want to spread myself thin on blogging like I was in the past. Plus I don’t want multiple blogs that I will forget along the way. So even though I can have 7 more blogs I am choosing not too. That is my personal preference now, and I’m keeping the blogs I have which one is the main domain which is my Second Life Shops blog , this one, and my Insanity Asylum domain blog that I am running for my book reviews, and some of my favorite authors I have been reading over the years.

Left is my pastel drawing, right is the image I used to create my drawing for art class.

Going back to school for Art

This was my first time ever using charcoal and pastel chalk for drawing, and I don’t think I did too bad. Of course I don’t know what the grade of it will be as it was just sent in the other day via USPS and it will take a week or two before I’ll hear anything back from my instructor. May even be longer, but either way I was happy with my work. Reason I decided to go back to school at the age of 45, well that is because I wanted to do something and have another reason to decorate a wall with a diploma, or degree of some sorts. My next lesson has given me two options to drawn an image, so out of the two I am picking a picture of Raven, and doing her face. I am not to confident enough yet to do her full body, and of course if you’ve seen a photo of Raven , she’s a dark dog. In the sunlight she shows as dark brown, but vets, and others say she’s black. Either way this will be a fun challenge for me because she’s got short hair, soft and shiny too. So this work will be something that I will be happy to take on.

My Raven, my ♥, my best friend who stole my heart and keeps it safe with her.

This is the picture I am probably going to use and I will do a progression drawing, and a finished image after I am done. It will take a few days to plan this out, do the rough draft outline, and then do the coloring on her coat. I am going to have fun adding the white that is showing up around her muzzle, eyes, and so forth. It seems like she’s losing her dark color as is turning white each day I look at her, but she’ll forever be my puppy. This post today is a two fold. I wanted to talk about my blogs, and the plugin I am using that in my eyes is worth the money, and of course wanted to talk about my online school art class that I am enrolled in. I pay for it monthly , and I am enjoying it. So until next time folks.

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