If you ever need a shoulder #Blaugust2024

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I’m here for you

Let’s face it in this day an age with being online it’s easy to start a community, make friends, and find ways of supporting someone. I have sat down and thought long and hard about this recently and I’m putting it out there now. If you ever need someone to vent too, someone to cry, someone to just be there without talking. Know this I am here for you. I don’t need to know your life’s story about what is going on in your life, I don’t need anything to know that you are going through a difficult time in your life. I just want to be there for you to help you through whatever darkness you are going through. I want to be that kind of friend, I am that kind of friend. I will sit in a private discussion with you and let you cry it out, scream,  talk it out, or just total silence. I won’t fill you with false hope that it gets better or says some rainbow cheery shit saying how the silver lining in the cloud is right around the corner, because lets face it. Mental Illness never goes away,  does it get better? , I’m not so sure. I’ve been told mine will only decrease as I get older because of how my mind and brain function.

My brain doesn’t function like most, and it never will. I know why it’s like this. When I was being brought into this world my skull was crushed in the front from them trying to force me out natural, so it did something to my brain, then to monitor my heart beat they stuck a needle into the top of my skull after the first few days I developed seizures, not the ones that you see people convulse but the ones where people would stare off to space and make no movements what so ever. Then when I was a month an half my mother slipped on a patch of ice and pushed my car seat with me in it out of the way of crushing me, but by doing so I cracked my skull off the side of my car seat and ended up with a fractured skull on the left side of my head. Whatever it did stopped my seizures, but opened me up to a whole world of other neurological disorders that has forever changed my chemical balance in my head. So even if I was never abused I probably would still have all these problems today, but it’s something. So no matter what I am making my stand from this day forward, if you need a shoulder , or pun intended a shadow to sit in the darkness with you until you fight your light. I’ll be that person. If you’re on discord, I am just a message away, on Twitter, Mastodon, whatever. Just find me and I’ll be there as soon as I can. Remember you’re not alone in your journey.

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About Shadowz

A woman who enjoys playing video games, and will blog about my experiences, but also record video game play for my YouTube channel.
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