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Entering Forbidden Reach for the 1st time

Entering Forbidden Reach

This was my first time since the latest update in WoW that I flew over to Forbidden Reach. I haven’t been playing a lot of Warcraft as of late because well truth be told I get bored easily at the moment. I’m in the need for more action, more violence, and sadly this game just doesn’t have enough for me at the moment. So today I decided I wanted to check out more of the game again since I haven’t been keeping up with the updates to the game, nor finding out information about new story content, and so forth. I do however enjoy the graphics that this game does have, and the zones they create. Despite all the hate that Blizzard still gets from time to time. I don’t follow into that area, and keep to myself. I just enjoy the game and don’t care about the outside BS that isn’t apart of the game. Sorry if some will feel offended but that is how I feel about the game. I don’t get involved into the business practices within the staff of a gaming company.

Exploring the beauty

I have always been a sucker for beautiful screenshots, and interesting points of interest. I was like that in other games, and I’m still like that in Warcraft as well. To me it speaks volumes when I see a new area and get to explore it and find beautiful places to take screenshots in the game so that I can have a memory of them, or share them here on my blog for all to see that haven’t explored it without spoilers. Plus on top of everything else I have been doing a lot of other games, and recording for my YouTube channel, and I have decided to record and upload on a daily basis. I haven’t decided on whether or not if I want to keep blogging as I really no longer find joy in it, and I have found even more joy even if just a little bit in recording, but I will be keeping this blog and hope in the future that my joy that I once had in blogging returns. I think a lot of it has to do that I’ve had to restart this blog, and try to make it something again.


The Future and what it holds

I am unsure at the moment what the future holds for this blog at the moment, but I am not entirely walking away from it. I am just doing what I need to do and get myself back together. I am happy that I was able to drop the MMORPG from the website address, and shorten it enough that it is easier to share among my social media. I will keep writing from time to time when the urge hits me, but I am just doing a lot of other things now that I can no longer put all my time and energy into this blog anymore. Plus I doubt anyone really reads these posts now, but if you do, I thank you for taking the time to read this. Enjoy what I put out, and if you want to see the games I’ve been playing lately well you can always head over to my YouTube Channel.

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