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A Milestone for me

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It’s not easy at times

Like the header says, it’s not easy for someone like me to hit achievements and milestones for both my blog, and my YouTube channel now. It’s finally happened for me. I woke up today with having reach my goal on YouTube with a 100 subscribers. I know for some it’s small and etc., but for someone like me who has a hard time engaging with my audience and keep myself talking on videos, and not straying far from thoughts on blogging, I’m damn proud of myself. Then I started looking at things here on my blog and noticed that I now have a 100 likes on my WordPress too, because it’s a new milestone for me on the blog. Even though the old one had over 100 likes. Still it is something for me to hit a new achievement. I’m damn proud of myself to hit it. I never thought I’d be working on a new series of achievements on my blog, but I am, and now I need to work on various other things along with having time for my schooling, my home life, etc. This is all important to me, and I’m proud of what I’ve done in the last year.

I never thought I’d be working as hard as I do with everything in my life, but I am finding a balance in it all again. I am not stretching myself thin which is what I was most afraid of , but I haven’t so far. I keep everything in balance with my life. I make time for my mother, I make time to help take care of our dogs, I make time for Blade. Then on top of everything I make sure to make time for myself as well. I keep my mental health in check with spending time with Raven the most because she’s my support emotionally and she helps keep me centered on everything I’m doing. I also no longer keep check on my word count like I use too when I am writing posts, I don’t worry over the small things anymore and that is because they have become unimportant to me at the moment.

How about 100 more likes?

Achievement showcase

This next paragraph will have a two fold in it. First up will be the 100 likes for my blog, and a little further down will be the 100 subscribers for my YouTube channel.  These are small achievements, but still they are important to me, and to my introvert self. I have been working on this post all day so far after recording my 100 subscriber thank you video that I did earlier today. Yes you read that right, I now have a 100 subscribers over on my YouTube channel too.

Almost a year later and I have hit my mark of 100 Subscribers on YouTube, now I’m working on 150. Slow and steady wins the race!

I honestly did not at first wanted to see myself as a content creator, but after almost a year of doing this daily. I do now consider myself as a content creator, not with just my blog, but also my YouTube channel now as well. I have been busting my ass just as much as I do with my blog, and I will be getting back into blogging again like I did in the past, and now I’m just going at my own pace to create content on both this blog, and my YouTube channel. This is just something I want to do for myself. Give everyone something to read, something to watch, and want to keep coming back to my content and my antics too.


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